We have tried to answer all your possible questions below. If you still have a question then please contact us.
Cancellations within less than 24 hours of appointment
If you need to cancel a scan within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time then you will lose your entire payment.. This cannot be rescheduled as we would be unable to sell this space in such a short time. Please see our terms and conditions.
Cancellations more than 24 hours before appointment
If you need to cancel your appointment more than 24 hours before the appointment then an admin charge of £5 will be chargeable.
(This covers our card charges, text charges, lost sales as cannot resell and paperwork costs)
Rescheduling appointments
If more than 24 hours before the appointment you wish to reschedule your appointment then this can be done at no cost providing you call and re arrange directly with the studio.
As we always want to get the best images for you when you have your scan with us we have put a few handy tips together to help get baby in the right position on the day.
No. Despite extensive studies in recent years, ultrasound has not been shown to cause any harm to mum or baby. Ultrasound scans have been used in pregnancy for decades and this works on the exact same principles as your 2D hospital scan with the software creating the 4D images using sound waves. Our radiographers and midwife sonographers carrying out your scans will always follow the correct guidelines to ensure the safety of you and baby.
Re-scans are a complimentary serive offered at the discretion of your sonographer on the day of your scan. All rescans must be taken within 10 days of the previous appointment. No client can be allowed more than two free re-scans. Re-scans are available at limited times and not on Saturdays.
Re-scans are not available on reassurance scans. It is so important that you are sure of your dates before attending as we only offer scans abdominally.
We do offer an extended length scan for multiple pregnancies. This is your choice and not mandatory, you can book a standard length scan package (10 mins) but please be mindful that if time runs out that a rescan cannot be provided.
We welcome family, friends and children to share your experience. We have large scan rooms with HD projector screens. We have seating for 6 in each studio and additional standing room.
Your appointment will last around 30-45 mins from entering the studio including your scan experience (10 minutes), selecting your images and the possibility of needing a bounce on our birth ball if you baby is being shy.
Your appointment slot is 10 minutes and we recommend you arrive 10 minutes before to avoid any disappointment. If you are late for your appointment we may not be able to see you and you will lose your deposit.
We will always make every effort during the scan to get clear images of your baby, however ultimately we cannot move your baby or placenta. If for any reason, we are unable to do your scan at your appointment time we may encourage you to go for a walk and have glass of cold water to try get baby moving around. If this still doesn’t work we will where appropriate offer a free re-scan in one of our rescan slots, we will rearrange your appointment and try again.
The primary purpose of all our scan packages is the protection and maintenance of the health of mother and baby. All scans include a wellbeing check and wellbeing report. If we see something on the scan that we feel needs a referral to the NHS we will of course advise you appropriately and make the referral to the NHS. If your sonographer believes that there is any area of your baby’s development that needs to be brought to your attention they will discuss their findings openly with you.
A visit to Meet your miracle should be used to supplement, but not as a replacement for your NHS care.
We will explain everything you are seeing and engage you fully in your scan experience. If sadly we cannot see a heartbeat we will support you by making a direct referral to the local NHS Early pregnancy maternity unit.
A full bladder is NOT necessary for our scans unless you are earlier than 12 weeks gestation. This is because a full bladder can help to lift the uterus so it is clearer for our abdominal scans.
Transvaginal Scans
At MYM we choose not to offer transvaginal scans as they are invasive and can be provided by the NHS should they be necessary. Our scans are available from 7/8 weeks abdominally.
CQC – Care Quality Commission
We are a registered provider with the Care Quality Commission, this ensures the quality of our service is of the highest standard and your safety is assured.
We recommend that you ensure you are at least 7 weeks pregnant before attending MYM. Prior to 7 weeks there is every chance that nothing will be seen on your scan as the pregnancy has not developed enough and baby is too small.
There will be no re-scan offer if this is the case as the appointment and dating has still been performed. We would advise taking a digital pregnancy test and ensure the result is at least 5+ weeks before attending a scan.
At Meet your miracle we do not provide scans for under 18's. By law if you are under 18 years old you are still considered a child. Our registration means currently we are not able to scan children.
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