Terms & Conditions
If you need to cancel a scan within 24 hours of your appointment then your payment is lost. This cannot be rescheduled as we would be unable to sell this space in such a short time.
If you need to cancel your appointment more than 24 hours before the appointment then a refund can be made minus an admin charge of £5. (This covers our card charges, text charges, lost sales as cannot resell and paperwork costs).
I am afraid if a baby cannot be seen during your scan due to you attending before the recommended gestation of at least 7/8 weeks no refunds can be provided. The service has occurred and the appointment completed as purchased. If you are unsure of your LMP date then please take a digital pregnancy test to show weeks or wait a few more weeks unless you are concerned before making your first appointment.
If more than 24 hours before the appointment you wish to reschedule your appointment then this can be done at no cost providing you call and re arrange directly with the studio.
Please ensure you attend all your NHS appointments and scans as normal.
Meet Your Miracle offer abdominal scans so please ensure you are 7/8 weeks into your pregnancy to ensure your pregnancy is visible and you are not disappointed.
All Rights Reserved | Meet Your Miracle